My projects range from keynotes to consultations and workshops. Here are a few examples of my work
Hier sind einige Beispiele meiner Arbeit:
I explain why empathy and emotional intelligence are not only important for interpersonal relationships, but also serve as key success factors for companies and managers. Using personal anecdotes, scientific findings and practical advice, I show how compassion in the workplace can contribute to a positive and more productive work culture. I'll talk about why self-compassion is often more important than pure self-discipline and how you can transform your inner critic into a constructive voice. My goal is to convey to my readers that emotional skills are essential in the modern world of work and how they can actively promote them.
Ich gehe darauf ein, warum Selbstmitgefühl oft wichtiger ist als pure Selbstdisziplin und wie man den inneren Kritiker in eine konstruktive Stimme verwandeln kann.
Mein Ziel ist es, meinen Leser*innen zu vermitteln, dass emotionale Fähigkeiten in der modernen Arbeitswelt unverzichtbar sind und wie sie diese aktiv fördern können.
I regularly share my findings and experiences in various magazines and specialist publications.
From resilience and emotional intelligence to diversity and inclusion to female empowerment or leadership — my offerings are aimed at managers and teams who want to strengthen their soft skills, shape the working world of the future and create an environment in which employees feel seen and valued.
With my audience, I dive into topics such as equal opportunities, human relations, appreciation, change management, and show how empowering leadership and emotional competence form the basis for sustainable success and innovation.
Let's work together to create a working environment that focuses on empathy, diversity, and trust!
Of course, I'm also open to new topics and formats. Feel free to send me a short message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!